Medical Education & Research




This is a Training Practice and you may be offered an appointment with a GP Registrar.

These doctors are fully qualified and will have had experience in several hospital specialties. They are completing their specialist training to take up a career as a GP.

In addition we teach medical students and sometimes you may be asked to see the doctor or nurse with a student present. You will always be asked beforehand if this is acceptable and you may ask for the student to withdraw if you prefer to have your consultation in private. This practical experience is a key feature of the medical student’s training and by allowing students to sit in you are playing an important part in training the doctors of the future.

If you are interested in finding out more about the education and training of GPs click on the document link below.

So how do you become a GP

We are also a Research Practice and sometimes recruit patients for research studies supported by the NHS Primary Care Research Network. All studies have been approved by an NHS Research Ethics Committee. If you are invited to participate in research there is no obligation to do so. If you decline this will not affect your treatment in any way.  Anonymised patient data may be used for research that is in the best interests of patients and the NHS as a whole. You cannot be personally identified from such data.